We want you to get the most out of your training.

 After you complete B&F Infusion, we have ton's of offerings. If you're nervous, scared, or don’t think you have the strength to show up, come anyway. We can meet you where you're at. Remember, we care and respect our clients and instructors: arrive early so that you can prepare for class. Folks arriving more than 5 minutes late will not be admitted to class. If you can't make class, please cancel at least 4 hours prior or your class will be debited.

Signature Butter & Filth Dance Classes

Butter & Filth dance classes are our signature, world famous method that launched our artistry into high demand. Prepare to hip roll, slank, grind, float, twerk, turn, body skim and spin your way into the most badass version of yourself. Sexy, captivating, and sensual, these classes are about finding yourself though exotic dance. We focus pole dance prowess, sexy performance, and engagement.

Baby Stripper / Level 0 Dance

The best introduction to exotic dance in Richmond! Finished with B&F Infusion? Start here. Baby Stripper provides a foundation for all of the sexy pole basics so you can hone in on your sensual power. A perfect compliment to our Level 0 Tricks class! We start with an instructor led warm up, and spend the hour working toward a simple, sexy routine.

Celebrating a special day? If there’s more than 2 of you, you must book a party.

Butter & Filth Level 1

Ready to move up from Level 0 Dance? This class has a self-led freestyle warm up, more complicated dance combinations, and sexier skills. Perfect for anyone who’s had experience in pole dance classes before and has a Level 1 Tricks skill set.

Never been to a pole class before? This class will be a challenge. Suggested prerequisite: 8-10 Level 0 Dance classes.

Butter & Filth Level 2

Level 2 Dance uses skills from Level 2 Tricks and adds musicality, grace, stamina, and flow Ready for regrips, inverts, and hella sexy timing and performance? Get here.

This class is inappropriate for beginners. Permission of instructor required.

Butter & Filth Level 3

Level 3 Dance uses skills from Level 3 Tricks and adds high level aerial flow and multiple trick combos to the mix. This class is for our most advanced babes.

Permission of instructor required. Must be able to safely execute aerial inversions, regrips, shoulder mounts, and have impeccable bail technique.

This class is inappropriate for beginners. Permission of instructor required.

Pole Tricks Classes

Butter & Filth tricks classes span from novice to pro. Learn form and technique in a fitness setting. You'll gain strength and confidence to perform new skills - from getting upside down to complex combinations.

Level 0 Tricks

Loved B&F Infusion? This is your next step. This class focuses on the basics: hand placement, walking, climbs, sits, and spin. Level 0 is specially constructed this for first timers and newbies. Come as you are.

Celebrating a special day? If there’s more than 2 of you, you must book a party.

Level 1 Tricks

Level 1 Tricks polishes all of the Pole Level 0 moves and then introduces momentum, inversion preps, spin pole, and stringing together multiple movements to create upright combos.

Never been to a pole class before? This class will be a challenge. Suggested prerequisite: 8-10 Level 0 Tricks classes.

Level 2 Tricks

Ready to go upside down? We do this in every level 2 class, girl! You'll learn Inversions from the floor (ascending/descending), inside/outside leg hooks, hip holds, shoulder mounts, momentum control, and spin pole. Let's get physical.

You may come to Level 2 Tricks with permission of instructor only.

Level 3 Tricks

Oh, you fancy, huh? Level 3 is all about aerial inversions, dynamic combos, and death defying feats. In this class, we use spin pole, static pole, and hand balancing to train signature Butter & Filth graceful simplicity with high stamina, flexibility, and athleticism.

You may come to Level 3 Tricks with permission of instructor only.

Open Level

Open Level encompasses skills from low Level 2-Level 3. We teach to the level that walks in the door. If we have a mixed bag, we teach progressive combo that includes everyone! If you’re into morning training, or just love to challenge yourself, we’d love to have you for this class. This class is for babes who have poled for a little while and have a solid base foundation. Check out Level 0 or 1 for an experience that is tailored to you.

This class is inappropriate for beginners. Permission of instructor required.

Class FAQ

What should I wear?

Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. We suggest anything from short shorts and a sports bra to your favorite bra and panties. Were body friendly here, so anything goes. Remember! Never wear lotion to a pole class.

What if I am not strong enough?

We meet you where you're at, babe! Butter & Filth emphasizes a mind/body/spiritual strength in our practice that makes you strong in every aspect of your life (though you will work and see drastic changes in your body if you put the work in). The hardest part is walking through the door. Were here for you.

What's the difference between a dance class and a tricks class?

Dance classes are based in music, time, pole dance and performance; there are little to no tricks involved, lights are turned low, and your the star of your own show. The signature Butter & Filth dance classes are perfect for beginners, pro’s who want to amp up their sexy, and anyone who wants to slank and booty pop their way to way to goddess status. Tricks classes take learning into the air and give you all of the impressive show stopping moves.

What should I bring to class?

All you need is pole attire, grip (if you use it), stripper shoes (if you’d like). We have a very strict no street shoe/bags policy in our dance studio.

I can't find the studio building. Where is it?

Enter the Outta Space Place parking lot. Bear right, then follow the lot to the row of parking you’ll see to your right. Were the first set of glass doors you see on the side of the building. Come in, and go right down the hall. Can't miss us.